Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre
Indigenous Healing and Wellness Strategy – Offers counselling and support to victims of family violence, links to emergency services, community
referrals, culture specific programs and groups
I Am a Kind Man
Seeks to engage the men of Indigenous communities to speak out against all forms of abuse towards Indigenous women. Their goal is
to provide education for men to address issues of abuse against women; to re-establish traditional responsibilities by
acknowledging that our teachings have never tolerated violence and abuse towards women; to inspire men to engage other
men to get involved and stop the abuse; and to support Indigenous men who choose not to use violence.
Thunder Bay Counselling & The Children’s Centre Thunder Bay Walk In Counselling
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care
Walk-in counselling available in Thunder Bay, Tuesdays 1pm to 7pm (See ‘Supports and Services in the District’ for district clinic information)
Male Survivor For boys and men who have been victims of sexual assault. Online support and information.
Support services for male survivors of sexual abuse
- a 24/7 crisis and referral hotline
- individual and group counselling
- peer support
- telephone and online counselling
- referrals to other appropriate community support services to meet other long-term needs that clients may have
When Males Have Been Sexually Abused as Children: A Guide for Men
Support Services for Male Survivors Program
Thunder Bay Victim Services
Provides an alternative choice for reporting a crime and/or tragedy plus support, education and referral services to victims of crime and tragic circumstances
Crisis response line: (807) 684-1051