Thunder Bay Counselling & The Children’s Centre Thunder Bay Walk In Counselling
Dilico Anishinabek Family Care
Walk-in counselling available in Thunder Bay, Tuesdays 1pm to 7pm (See ‘Supports and Services in the District’ for district clinic information)
Culturally grounded, confidential helpline (available in 14 languages) offered 24/7
Call or Text: 1-855-554-HEAL
Live chat option available on website
Beendigen Women’s Crisis Home
The crisis home, open 24/7, provides emergency shelter for women and children who require safe accommodations and are seeking refuge from abuse
(807) 346-HELP (4357) or Toll Free: 1-888-200-9997
Beendigen Healing Our Own Counselling Unit
Provides support and programs to women and their children who have experienced abuse with the incorporation of the Seven Grandfather Teachings.
Faye Peterson Women’s Shelter
Text: 807-700-5011
Assaulted Women’s Helpline
Crisis counselling during normal office hours (9:30am to 4:30pm weekdays) for immediate crisis – whether it is an assault that has just occurred or some event that has triggered feelings connected to a past assault/abuse. No appointment necessary.
- (807) 345-0894 or TF: (866) 311-5927
- For 24/7 support for crisis any time after an assault:
- (807) 345-0450
Thunder Bay Victim Services
Provides an alternative choice for reporting a crime and/or tragedy plus support, education and referral services to victims of crime and tragic circumstances
Crisis response line: (807) 684-1051
FemAide *Francophone Service*
Fem’aide offre aux femmes d’expression française aux prises avec la violence sexiste, du soutien, des renseignements et de l’aiguillage. Vers les services appropriés dans leur collectivité 24 heures par jour, sept jours par semaine.
TBRHSC – Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centre
The Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centre (SA/DVTC) is an individualized service available to victims and survivors of sexual assault and/or domestic violence. The program provides emergency medical and psycho-social treatment as well as follow-up care, by specially-trained nurses.